You’re not getting your pinky in an AR-15 barrel. .2 inch or half a centimeter basically.
You’re not getting your pinky in an AR-15 barrel. .2 inch or half a centimeter basically.
Put $500 cash in an envelope and mail it to yourself. If you don’t trust that, drop your ballot in person. I voted yesterday and got to scan my ballot into the machine.
This Sunday is the last day for early voting in Ohio. There’s no voting this Monday but lots more polling places open open on election day Tuesday. I voted yesterday though.
We don’t get either of them off. Or weekends.
People have always been currency in the form of servitude/slavery.
Yeah one of the choices is on the ballot with no votes from its party members.
I would have already been up for a couple of hours. My problem used to be people trying to get ahold of me at 10pm, but Do Not Disturb fixed that. People don’t understand what the 3-4am life is about.
I just blanket them all with, “mushrooms bad”
This was my thought. Everyone challenges the source when they don’t like info and honestly there is a ton of bad info out there. When it comes to research I like to know where the funding came from.
Great response. I’m an independent and the loudest voices on the left and the right are hateful but almost none of the people are. This post is just, “hate the right because they hated you first” and that shit gets old and gets us nowhere and widens divides. Oh but election season! The shrieking continues…
Canada is about to be prime real estate
You don’t get the itch with heavy stubble, you get it when you try to grow it out to a full beard.
I disagree. Both matter.
My wife has been a school kitchen manager for a number of years. Lunch debt is such bullshit. We funded free school meals for all students for a year during covid and it cost $10 billion. We could have funded school lunches for many years just with what we’ve sent to the Ukraine. We don’t have it because we have no way to influence the people we elect to do the things we value. It is clearly not something our elected representatives value.
I’ve had it so long it’s like a dark friend. It’s a release.
How is saying I" don’t work here" in response to the employee approaching them to direct them to the self-checkout - how is that harassing them?
Fuck your gun control. If you’d stop trying to disarm the proletariat you’d have all the other things.
I like the pew pews tho