So… in Finland “democracy” and “violence” are the same thing? xD
So… in Finland “democracy” and “violence” are the same thing? xD
It pretty neatly fits the definition of (individual) terrorism (which doesn’t really exist). It was an act of violence, not based on personal grievance with the direct victim, but based on grievance with the system he represented. But, yeah, they probably wouldn’t ever pull that when someone gets murdered for racist reasons, which you could also classify as terrorism.
🎶 Because it’s about class and not about justice. 🎶
This is by no means an exhaustive list.
You’re right. I lost. The Game.
Are there really people who unironically say that? How is it possible to attain this enlightenment level delusion? It’s like Buddhism, but for morons.
Those are not flags either, those are pages. smh
We don’t even get multiple outfit options. We get
Karl Marx in my ass
That’s the moon. Tech bros just invented the moon.
Reading this makes me really angry for some reason.
Boah, leiwand. Krosse-Krabbe-Pizza?
There are several steps between learning German and comprehending whatever the fuck we’re doing over there.
Hi. Was essen wir heute am Abend?
Wait, why does one of the animals look like the cameraman?
Easy. The ones with vowels are C library functions.
View the keys, wallet, and cell phone as the necks connecting the bodies to the heads above.