My mom and I went to Orkney in 2022 and overheard part of a conversation in a shop. My mom asked the clerk what language that was. “… English.”
Yeah, there’s just nothing new to report, and it’s not like Luigi is going to talk to media or anything right now. More will come.
I hate when someone stops in traffic to let me out of a parking lot or to let me turn left across their lane. You have right of way! Being polite isn’t worth driving dangerously!
I knew someone who didn’t use a blinker and this was their justification, and I’m like my guy you’re in Seattle now; people will drive dangerously in order to let you merge when they really shouldn’t!
404 Media has done a lot of excellent reporting on this: https://www.404media.co/facebooks-ai-spam-isnt-the-dead-internet-its-the-zombie-internet/ https://www.404media.co/facebook-is-being-overrun-with-stolen-ai-generated-images-that-people-think-are-real/ https://www.404media.co/where-facebooks-ai-slop-comes-from/
That’s why the term “misogynoir” exists. It’s both, and they pile on and increase each other.
The people who are most likely to suffer in the next 4 years are also the people with the fewest resources. If those of us with enough resources to leave do so, who will be left to fight for those who can’t?
Exactly. She’s using straight needles (with a knob on one end) instead of double-pointed needles. DPNs are also straight I guess! But “straight needles” specifically means the ones with one point and a knob.
There was a bizarre movement in the Victorian era to get people to knit with their needles held with tips pointed down because it’s “more ladylike” but it’s also very difficult and irritating to knit that way so it didn’t catch on.
I don’t think there’s any way to knit a tubular sock on straight needles; the geometry doesn’t allow it. You can knit a sock flat and then sew it up into a tube, but it would look different from the comic.
Edit: actually now that I’ve thought about it more, I think there is a way but it would be super annoying (slip every other stitch so you’re knitting the back and front of the tube at the same time, that might work…). Basically the equivalent of writing a letter by writing every other word and then going back to fill in the rest. Possible, but no reason to do it.
That’s called ‘frogging’ (because you rip-it, rip-it), and you don’t use needles to do it.
Artists. I beg you. Do any research into what knitting looks like before drawing someone knitting.
In their 90s? Gimme some bread and dancing then!
Hm, well that’s a bit weird, but if it was an emergency –
The BBC has also discovered the same surgeon carried out three supposedly low-risk operations in two months where all three patients died soon after.
Forced labor is still slavery even if you’re paid and not whipped.
Reverse Melisandre.
Yeah, she still seems like a terrible person but probably the least terrible of this whole crew. Certainly less terrible than SBF.