Well, login gating worked for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (it’s not dead yet despite some people’s claims). We here are tiny minority of social media users.
Well, login gating worked for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (it’s not dead yet despite some people’s claims). We here are tiny minority of social media users.
They are currently A/B testing blocking access to videos without an account. That’s why some people are getting errors. It’s likely that it will be rolled out to everyone in the future.
I’m sure all these species traitors will be put to the wall when aliens invade. Earth is for humans!
I feel like the rules are different here. This dude is not a celebrity, he is a CEO of a company which mission is to provide a secure and private email service. I don’t care about him as a person, he represents his company here. His job is to make sure that the data of his customers does not get in the wrong hands, and being as apolitical as possible is part of it. (Unless it’s speaking up against laws that will undermine his business such as banning encryption, but that’s not what’s happening here).
AFAIK kernel itself doesn’t send any signals to processes on shutdown/reboot, it just stops executing them. This is a job service manager (e.g. systemd) that terminates processes using SIGTERM before asking kernel to shutdown.
That’s why you launch them through systemd.
That’s the problem of most general-use languages out there, including “safe” ones like Java or Go. They all require manual synchronization for shared mutable state.
If a messaging service requires a phone number then it’s not “secure” lol.