That’s not how this works… you just go to a different instance like wtf?
That’s not how this works… you just go to a different instance like wtf?
No but I know when it’s time to keep my shoes on and go home
I work from home in a house next to a highway, I regularly allow myself to scream outloud at the top of my lungs without any consequences. But I got a cat afew months ago and I don’t wanna scare him, then I loose control and scream at my work, and he gets scared, and then I cry and regret letting myself get used to doing that.
TBH I’d rather them leave Twitter just so Twitter doesn’t make money
Choose nixos
2 birds 1 stone
AIs make the same typos that humans do bc they were trained on human writing.
Garbage in garbage out
And when it’s not any of those cases then that person has a horrible pattern of behavior. I’ve learned this lesson way too hard.
First of all I just want to say that I completely agree with all of the technical things you talked about in his question but I think you kind of miss his question.
OP doesn’t wanna be on SS7 (the thing that gives you your phone number), neither do I. I’ve just come to the conclusion that when it comes to infrastructure and paying for your goods SS7 is the only realistic option I have.
There is no distributed communication network anyone can just connect to. And the dream of leaving WiFi access points open for free (or for some kinda crypto-pay, e.g SkyNet) is just a dream, individuals have to invest in it and nobody wants to or take responsibility for it.
Here are some rules:
If we can come with a solution that fits these rules we can do away with the SS7 cellular protocol and have a truly anonymous network.
How do I buy bitcoin?
Forget neovim, try using ED
Id pay to watch that
Aren’t some wolves also persistent hunters?
Age or experience? Because both are funny
It warms my cold dead heart to see a proper web1.0 website
All the code is opensource and no one has ever raised a privacy alarm in a merged pull request. There’s nothing to fear
Huh… wish I was there. Oh well seems like the fediverse is working, yay