I never thought of this before, but does Musk even travel using his shitty cars?
I never thought of this before, but does Musk even travel using his shitty cars?
I think that’s very common.
Like wanting to be different, but normal.
Scandinavians when americans use ä, æ, ø, å:
That old genocide. New genocide is more interesting to him.
Maybe if they rebuild it as a Palestinian memorial…
That’s way more than the population of the whole town I live in.
I imagine that Florida is to Americans, what America is to the rest of the world.
I totally agree. Fuck up that knee!
You can never know happiness, without knowing sadness.
Sleeping Beauty was such a lovely cartoon.
Looks up original story
Oh no…
You’re just not used to seeing yourself like you really look. A mirror image is not the real you, but a mirror image. So to others, you probably look like you do, when you look in the mirror.
Nobody likes the sound of their own voice when they hear a recording for the first time. Because we are used to our voice vibrating our upper body and skull .
I hope this can make somebody feel better about themselves.
When people don’t protect their privacy, their data will automatically be used for tailor made ads, posts and videos. We believe anything if packaged right.
The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was just the start.
“Parties? Were we’re going, we don’t need parties.”
I’ve read about this. I’m pretty sure that’s a dragon…
Only half of what a parking ticket costs where I live.
They might as well say: “I hate my job, and I don’t want anyone else have it”
It’s so nice of employees, to help the company from needing a certain amount of employees.
Funny that they made their brand the biggest piece of all in the representation.
Saw one yesterday here on Lemmy, where the action happened half way through, and nothing happened at the end, which I skipped to.