Bottom left made me miss Kmart
Aka csm10495 on
Bottom left made me miss Kmart
99/100 people will not care. I’m one of them.
For that 1/100: sure it’s infuriating but probably more than mildly.
I’ve never had a case where running that fixed anything. I get it makes sense to verify system integrity but I’m guessing the OS already does that on its own once in a while.
If I ever watch one Mr. Bean YouTube video, all my suggestions become Mr. Bean. I mean he’s ok but they literally have the same video uploaded to multiple channels with slightly different names.
Give me more different Mr. Bean. Stop repeating the Bean.
Through the magic of make, you can write code that changes if statements to while loops then changes it back after compilation passes or fails.
I only give good advice.
It’s one of those things that are pretty annoying. Especially because you often need to login before starting the chat. The login should have authenticated me already.
Also in case anyone wonders they didn’t reply after 20 minutes so I gave up.
I’m a fan of those foot things that exist in some places now to pull the door open. Though every time I use one, I fear for a moment that if someone enters the bathroom at the same time I’m leaving, I’ll fall on my face.
It’s been too many years since I’ve played on a tire swing.
I would have thought the something is wrong category would catch all here.
Maybe there should be a miscategorized option or similar.
Three dots in the corner. Click to report the job, pick the category it falls into.
Believe it or not: people do eventually see reports at some level.
Source: in an unofficial capacity: me
The fact that they changed the name to Azure Linux still upsets me. I get upset easily.
We use it at work. Seems mostly fine and similar enough to old CentOS and RHEL.
Imagine getting insurance to cover that broken window.
That relies on donations which may or may not come. I understand in a perfect world that makes sense, but in the real world even those foundations often rely on corporate muscle. Without that enterprise money, I’m not sure how they’d stand.
This is probably a minority opinion, but I think OSS prospers most when there is corporate muscle behind it.
A company with paid engineers that puts engineering time into fixing and bettering open source software can possibly be a good company.
Closed source ends up being the worst of all worlds. If there is an issue, you’re stuck waiting for someone else to possibly fix it. At least in open source, either you can try to fix it, or you can pay someone else to try to fix it.
At the end of the day, I think a lot of the Linux success actually comes down to this.
So you don’t want a free place to upload videos? … why? Is it just because it’s Google or too big or why?
I love the idea of a free place to upload videos, I just wish there was a way without as many ads or with a cheaper ad free prem.
Wait till you accidentally overwrite the system python.
This is true on one hand, but on the other hand, the businesses still using Ubuntu 10.04 with its original kernel would like a word.
What’s the start button? Every time I say click: they don’t know if it’s left or right.