They were destroyed by violent invaders.
Sounds like the story of how the US was founded, tbh.
They were destroyed by violent invaders.
Sounds like the story of how the US was founded, tbh.
I bet it’s that shit chocolate that tastes like chemicals and is dyed brown. The same stuff you find in cheap, premade Easter baskets.
They’re comparing the current administration, which is canceling all research and progress such as the invention of the wheel (or other scientific development), to the Neanderthals, who are in pop culture stupid and backward people.
But it falls flat because Neanderthals were smarter than Trump and Elon combined.
I was initially really confused by this meme because Neanderthals were actually creative and rather culturally rich, unlike this administration.
Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
If it isn’t yet, where do I donate the funds to make it happen?
Yeah, our civilization deserves to fall.
I’m in the process of switching to Proton too. I just opened the account; haven’t taken additional steps of switching login emails associated with all of my other accounts, yet. I’ll probably start with giving the new account to local grassroots organizations, first.
I’d like to learn more about what people have to say too!
You raise an excellent point, and it honestly makes me think of Tyson Yunkaporta’s perspective on the actual historical purpose of free public elementary education: to retrain the human mind toward total obedience to the state. In order to mold a person into obedience, you have to take away their sense of agency, their ability to think for themselves, and their creativity. Children increase their understanding of the world and express their creativity through play, which includes pretending to be elements of the world such as animals. In removing the natural ability to be creative through play, you wrangle tighter control over how they think.
So I’m not saying the creators of this bill are actively intending to further force ingrained obedience in American
servantscitizens, but I’m also not saying that they’re totally unaware of the possibilities.