Akshually 🤓 the original context was how many trans people are actually targeted by the Trump administration’s antics. Which would be the numbers you so helpfully provided.
Akshually 🤓 the original context was how many trans people are actually targeted by the Trump administration’s antics. Which would be the numbers you so helpfully provided.
Whether it’s 0.5 or 1.6 percent it’s still literally the tail end of the bell curve. You’re talking about falling within the third standard deviation of a normally distributed bell curve… you just strengthened his point with this statistic.
Yeah i was in rota for work and there were some good restaurants but on the whole there was really nothing, like, outstanding… nothing memorable, or that I’d say I’d want to eat again. Took a weekend trip to Barcelona and they had some better restaurants, but honestly I felt the same.
I went to Spain for a few months and honestly wasn’t too impressed with the cuisine.
Nerds like to push this narrative
Unironically asking an ai chatbot to find your memes
I found one on craigslist. Half rack fully enclosed with door on front and back for $200. Had an UPS in the bottom that didn’t work… it just needed new batteries lol.
Have a truck on hand to pick up and you can find a bargain.
I don’t have a voicemail set up specifically because I don’t want to dial in to check it. If you’re a real person just text me to get my attention.
I had to go to Mobile, Alabama for work once. I kept calling it mo-bul.
All the locals called it mo-beel and kept trying to correct me. Fun times.
Don’t forget wall-e
I’m not gay and I don’t feel insulted… if anyone was curious
I’m american living in tijuana for the last 10 years and literally everyone locks their doors in tijuana. Not only do they lock their doors, but any windows on the ground floor have bars on them, any walls around a property are topped with glass or pointy metal, and any driveways/car ports are gated and locked.
Where in mexico do people not lock their houses? Asking for a friend.
IP addresses
MAC addresses (physical devices, bluetooth devices in range)
Wifi access points
Cell tower access points
Browser cookies
Browsing history
Search history
Email (and its contents)
GPS paths traveled
Apps installed, apps used, frequency of use
Hours inactive
Photos, videos
Just thinking about Google here as I don’t use meta products, but my phone is android…
I cross a land border every day and this also describes CBP
I had to practice saying good morning to people.
By continued use of the app you hereby agree to all these ten documents that nobody actually reads. You also agree to any and all changes to any of these ten documents forever and always.
… blahblahblah
yOu GaVe ThEm PeRmIsSiOn
Elsa impregnation videos, you say. Huh. Hmm.