So that’s where Andrew Tate went to after his release.
So that’s where Andrew Tate went to after his release.
Can I interest you in a very nice Trebuchet?
It’s the passive-aggressiveness of the tweet. Being bitter and sarcastic won’t make anyone’s day better either.
as long as it’s not your salary that gets ad-blocked.
So you neither pay with money nor by watching ads for a very expensive to maintain service, but you won’t leave it be either.
I know I’m making myself Unpopular here, but what is it that you’re bringing to the table? Currently you cost YouTube money because streaming video is really expensive. You block out all the ads so every creator is cut off monetization too. This is not a publicly funded library (yet).
This Tweet (and all of its derivatives) is exactly the same level of not helpful.
Why is it “hardly an answer”?
Getting everything you want at any time is part of the reason why the planet’s dying. Consumerism is not sustainable. Just one example: one wants a coffee and isn’t at home. Solution today: get a single-use plasticcy paper cup of coffee with an optional packaged portion of sweetener and / or cream, a plastic stirring thingy, and a plastic lid. All that goes to waste because people were led to believe that a “paper” cup is good for the environment. It isn’t.
Sorry, it’s aggravating to see people complain about bottle lids and not seeing what the bigger problem behind is.
We created this mess and now the least bad thing in this literal pile of garbage gets labelled ‘mildly infuriating’.
You’re coming up with a sarcastic exaggeration (barrels and glasses), followed by “serious question”. So which is it now?
Anyway. How about refillable cups, travel mugs, returnable bottles? Stop buying bottled water if your tap water is fine. Get a soda maker if you like sparkling water or Spritzer. Clean up after yourselves, return or throw away bottles with the lid on.
And first and foremost: stop buying packaged and bottled sh*t at every possible occasion. Things like single-use / to-go cups or bottles shouldn’t even exist.
We all created the landfills and ocean garbage patches and now we complain about our own stupidity, unable to drink from a bottle with a lid attached to it like we’re toddlers.
If you seriously ask me for an alternative: stop creating waste. Stop complaining about your waste. And stop complaining about regulations that try to limit waste that shouldn’t even be there. Big part of the problem stems from our own laziness and consumerism. Everyone is part of the problem, nobody wants to be a part of the solution. What did you even expect?
If everyone had either stopped buying bottled beverages or cleaned up after themselves, this wouldn’t be an issue.
Also, y’all sound a little whiny. This isn’t even a first world problem.
Haven’t seen a video of any of these, did I really miss out?
No, too easy. I’d only accept bets on how much of what material is found - like “31 Terabytes of furry porn” or “452 illegal WW1 weapons”.
I have several hundred games and a handful of launchers. I start one of them. Sometimes two when necessary. What’s the hassle?
I don’t get the “launcher hate”. Yes, they’re not the most convenient, but I’m not playing in the launcher for hours.
Currently I play moddedDragon Age Inquisition. The launch sequence is:
Frosty Fix -> Frosty Manager -> Epic Games -> EA App -> Dragon Age.
Takes a few seconds and I’m in the game.
You aren’t happy with your selection of free software and still have the audacity to call the people behind that names? You didn’t even read the article did you.
Be a “decent” person yourself and start your own browser. We’ll happily judge.