Morello being into shitcoins got to me.
Morello being into shitcoins got to me.
I’m in hospitality, the bourgeoisie will pin you down until you make them feel important. I share no common interests with the ruling class and generally want their heads so…I devise scripts lest I reveal myself😉
I plan daily conversations to have with people whom I may have to talk to.
Can you imagine?!! Especially with a midriff shirt!
Obvious psychopath. I’m curious which glue the friend huffs to be so clueless? They must be so happy!..
Xmas is for ignorant Christians.
Smoke enough money you’ll believe anything the capitalists say. Money: not even once…
I can’t imagine giving a fuck…
Your dad has been hacked
So, did you need lube to take this zuckster inside you?
I wouldn’t let this ‘guy’ fuck YOUR couch. Look at the predator look in ‘his’ eyes…
Scared and ignorant, the reason religion exists at all…
If I was a capitalist sociopath I’d go close my LinkedIn but I’m human so I never had one…
Bye bye emmie, enjoy your echo chamber…
Nope, just observing the animals in the zoo and found the Ignorant Capitalist Twit worthy of a few comments. Take them gratis from the commies. Now go about your day citizen…I’m sure you have a sticker to put on your car or something. Good day!
I know so I’ll provide some clarity: dumb as fuck twit
Capitalist scum.
You’re DAFt. Hopefully you’re able to grow out of it.