China #1
Best friends with the mods at c/
They are setting up a patsy. They need someone to blame this on, because they are getting completely embarrassed and are of the belief that people will lose faith in the police force if they can’t catch a man who murdered someone in the middle of the street. This whole ordeal has gone so far askew from what the “status quo” should have been for a public execution in their eyes, and they just want it to go away. So, they’ll find someone they can pin it to, and plant all of the evidence they want on him. Fake IDs, passports, manifestos. This is an average day for the alphabet agencies. What they are too blind to realize is that we’ve didn’t have any faith in them before, and in fact, are starting a new religion around this vigilante as we speak. Wake me up when this goes to court and the defendant is allowed to speak for themselves and shows the cognitive ability of someone who is meticulous enough to procure all of the items needed for this assassination, as well as a well thought out plan and escape route. I’m not going to believe a person with crippling mental health issues and a complete inability to speak full sentences was the man behind all this, but that is who they will show to the cameras.
I can remember the flavor vividly. Like a lightly sweet highly artificial mint.
I want this this person playing the piano in my tavern.
A steady diet of pineapple
Ooooh that article rough.
“Hey, look, it sloughs off, just like raclette.”
Says the person writing 100 words when 3 will do.
From fucking Palm Beach, too. Like her withered brain needs any more direct sunlight.
I’m sorry, what? I think you are really digging for shit now.
Because generalization is bad. Classifying an entire group by a select subset is bad.
Right, and what the commenters are saying, along with yourself, is that it is ok to degrade others as long as it’s “their turn.” The patriarchy has been in power for too long, we better hate all men just to be safe. Wouldn’t want to miss any of the bad ones, so we’ll blame all of them for our problems.
That’s generalization. That’s the enemy. If you want to hate against exclusivity in gaming, you can’t generalize by saying something like the op screenshot. Instead, you would replace “men” with “soulsbourne gatekeepers.” If that doesn’t have the same weight as what the screenshot originally said, then you should look at what was changed and why it made you feel a certain way. Bias is a bitch, and it goes hand in hand with generalization. When you generalize, as the screenshot did, it’s bringing a shotgun to an archery range. Sure, you’ll hit the target, but you aren’t doing it right.
But broad generalizations towards an entire class are ok?
So all the comedians that tell sexist jokes about women are a-ok in your book? Good to know.
Thanks for telling your truth.
So, the equal rights movements aren’t about bringing certain people up to the level of everyone else, but instead bringing all others down to the oppressed’s level?
I just want to make sure I am on the same page as everyone else moving forward.
The “OP”, if you are referring to the screenshot, is presenting feminine, and talks about walking into a room full of men and doing something that they believe intentionally trolls men.
32 hours? What, you have a day off or something? Better get a second job.