Wait what hand’s taking the picture 😏
Wait what hand’s taking the picture 😏
I wonder if there is like a vinaigrette style more like italian kinda
What other substitutes are available? I always think of marinara as a necessary aspect to pizza lol
Does bbq substitute bbq sauce for marinara/pizzasauce? Must be or i cant be sure about how one can take out pizza sauce without replacing it to allow for a viable pizza that has pineapple involved
His face looks small
Obviously other rich people, like the chucklef who penned it
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Its a good thing all the merch and swag featuring him is exploding in popularity. Manufactured goddamn consent fucking denied, assholes :)
Try to grab onto any hook like a current thought at the time or smell or sound that can help guardrail you back into the knowledge of what you factually did and where you put shit
This is probably the coolest news for Graphene!
What were you thinking about or feeling at that exact time, can you trace back to it?
Bonus if you were listening to music or what was the ambient noise that was happening at the time?
Hopefully this has applications economy-wide
Wish i had done this for my past monster messes before i cleaned them the shit up :(
Def look into all that but I love the idea of using c/adhd as an analogue to that and sharing successes, tools, ask for advice etc. Keep posting adhd stuff and if everyone does that, we’ll have a pretty deece resource and quasi-support group. People can’t always pay so its good to keep things open-source however possible and if others have a coach, maybe they can pass those questions on some times :)
I’m 40 and this is funny 🤣
If they leave the freezer open for a few years they could have their own indoor bunny hill
They need to UN-deepfry this image
I can smell the evil in this photo
Have at her, no relation ha