Those labels only apply in California. If you’re in another state you’re fine.
Those labels only apply in California. If you’re in another state you’re fine.
My first thought as well. You could do this meme with Invisible Touch and Selling England
Droop the snoot, drop the bomb
Company’s used email to that extent in the 80s? I get that tech jobs, unis, and research groups used it, but there was a company using it widely enough that HR used it?
Also the ubiquitous theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Also the rest of the snow, where the Ocarina represents Angel Eyes (the Bad)
Agreed, though I’ll take a Trinitron over an RPTV any day
PSA: Some insurances only allow one sleep study per lifetime. If you’re going to get a sleep study done now, you might not be approved for it later if you really need it.
They’re actually two Casio F-100s in a custom chassis. Casio still sells modern reproductions as the Casio A-100
This is awesome, your mom sounds cool as hell. I also expect that sadly, today she’d get the cops called on her
Palm Trees or Robot, and its my ankle and sometimes my knee
Perl is the only language that looks just as incomprehensible before and after a rot13 transformation.
APL would like a word, though I imagine ROT13 on APL source code might actually be horrific.
This but WipEout
Big Y in the Northeast does that well. That’s probably the biggest reason why I don’t regularly shop there anymore
I’m gonna regret this, but tell me about the desert animal’s kidneys
The monkeys name is Suzanne
Because bread makes you fat
But then you’d get fat
Be better if it was white balanced.
Also the picture’s color should be tweaked too
The 3:15 on the alarm clock is a nice touch