Damn you really got me. My evil plan of trying to convince people to read has been foiled again! Whatever shall I do?!
Damn you really got me. My evil plan of trying to convince people to read has been foiled again! Whatever shall I do?!
For your own sake I hope you’re at least personally aware of your own ignorance and just enjoy trolling. Otherwise you really need to log off and worry less about arguing online.
You’re clearly lying about having read Marx. If you knew anything about the subject you would understood exactly why your responses to my questions betray your complete and utter ignorance. To be clear there are well informed critiques of Marx out there. However, you’re incapable of making those arguments because you have no idea what the man actually said. You should really stop embarrassing yourself.
At some point people do not actually become happier from additional wealth. If you create a system where people are allowed more than that you are just giving them power over vast quantities of resources for no particular reason. It becomes an incentive only for those whose lust for more cannot be satiated and is anti democratic by it’s very nature.
I’m just trying to figure out what your perspective is. So you think Marx basically touted how great such a utopia could be and spent a lot of time describing it in great detail without actually considering how or if it would be possible to implement?
Okay then Marx expert, let’s get into the weeds here. What exactly do you think is wrong with utopian socialism?
Okay then tell me, what have you actually read by the guy? Everything you’ve said just tells that at best you skimmed the Communist Manifesto without the patience or curiosity to understand why Marx wrote it and the context under which it was written. You seem so ready and willing to casually dismiss him even though his work is foundational to much of modern sociology right alongside Max Weber.
Hey now don’t make fun of Sleezy! An intro to political science class taught by some adjunct has all the information you could possibly need on Marxism! All the stuff about linen is just for the fashion nerds.
It’s painfully obvious you’ve never really engaged with Marx’s writings.
If you have to defend Nazi’s because the SC will give them a more favorable decision then the legal system is already fucked beyond repair.
I think what people don’t fully understand is that Marxism is meant to be scientific. That means that there will likely be many imperfect and failed attempts at building a socialist society before one comes along that is stable enough to outlast outside interference from capitalist states.
As such, most people I know who like the USSR are also it’s biggest critiques. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation about the USSR that most discussions about it online are just about delineating truth from propaganda.
Come on now, I’m sure you have some juice left in you to keep insulting me. I believe in you!