It’s the sane washing that needs to go. Stop normalizing the bad behavior of malignant narcissism and criminality.
Gulf of Donvict Distraction
Another example of real life stranger than fiction.
There are people voting for this creepy criminal. It’s mind boggling.
So she’s like many of the other childless cat ladies I know.
Weird 34 does a lot of projection. It’s all making sense now.
I hope EVERY Swifty of voting age reads this and votes.
Just like his criminal defense in NY. Criminal has concepts but nothing concrete.
What’s up with the misogyny, ABC? They keep letting Weird 34 have more and more time, talking over his limit, talking over the moderators, and talking over Harris. Sleepy DonOLD doesn’t respect women and what women gave to say, especially if they disagree with him to any degree.
Oo. That STINGs.
DonOLD is legitimately mentally unwell. The Weird Orange is a great example of why it’s a bad idea to give power to a narcissist. Look at how many people followed 34’s bad advice about hydroxychloroquine and died, either from COVID (because it’s ineffective against COVID) or from malaria (because of the shortages his misinformation created and kept from people who actually needed it). People have already forgotten how bad things were with the Sleepy Rambler in charge.
Please please please let there be a huge reveal and October Surprise! We’re rooting for you, JD! And then you can lay on that eyeliner as thick as we all know you want to! Finally let the bad weird go!
I could see Weird Al answering the Witch of the North this question and being undeniably good. But why stop there? Great Weird!
The Great and Powerful Weird Al
I think Old Don’s lack of respect for the court system compared to Harris’s respect for the court system may be the better way to frame this.
Sleepy Don thought wrongly that Joe was too weak and too old. More importantly, Lying And Rambling Don (LARD) is definitely too weak and too old going up against Harris.
This idea makes too much sense and would make way too much money.
Disney board - “Pass”
Old Sleepy Don can’t do funny.
Old Sleepy Don falls asleep and farts in court. Harris does not.
Dementia Don is scared to debate but not scared enough. Harris is eager to debate and could chew him up and spit him out RIGHT NOW.
Krusty wears respectable white clown makeup, not that petty orange bronzer. Krusty also grifts with real clown humor with his products that makes people laugh and not the kind of Sick-makes-you barf grifting of cheap bibles and intangible NFTs. Krusty is way younger and nowhere near as crazy.
“Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!”