Weird that pro capitalist comments with 10 to 50 upvotes are by default above anti corporation takes with 100-200 upvotes.
Weird that pro capitalist comments with 10 to 50 upvotes are by default above anti corporation takes with 100-200 upvotes.
coffee. get rid of dopamine sinks like tiktok / instagram / youtube .
Rust is esperanto because its only actually used by a small group of nerds,
python is russian because everything made in it is unreliable.
We can assume she’ll just follow the establishment policies enacted under Biden - basically nothing.
That was the ideal, but every ounce of freedom given to the south has been used to torment the vulnerable, so they kept losing supreme court cases and having amendments added to the constition that give the federal govt. more power because its needed their state governments from being evil.
See slavery, the black codes, jim crow laws, womens rights, religious freedom, environmental protectionism, coal mining in appalaicha, etc.
You still cant hold office in 7 states in the south if youre an athiest btw.
Lower testosterone is probably a big part of it. Look at 23 or 24 year old enhanced bodybuilders. they look like theyre 35. For whatever reason peoples T levels have been going down about 1 percent per year for the last 50 years. Its bound to have an effect.
finland has a homocide rate of about 1 per 100k.
Countries are generally lower than cities, but some cities for context :
Hong Kong : 0.29
Glendale CA : 0.52
Tampere, Finland : 2.2
Arlington TX: 4.8
Los Angeles CA : 10.3
Albequerqe NM : 21.3
Washington DC : 31.85
Flint MI : 70.7
Tijuana MX : 95.9