Is using nukes gay?
Is using nukes gay?
Ronald McDonald is a capitalist.
God Lunduke sucks so much.
I’m not sure extortion is the best way to get companies to support Linux. I think market share is the only real metric they care about.
Shoplifting is a noble crime.
The number of people that died of AIDS each year under his watch was in the millions. Not 90k.
Not that I’m aware of. There are a bunch of local contractors that will plow your driveway for a nominal fee, but my neighbor has a tractor with a snow plow attachment and thankfully dug out the driveway. That was Friday, and it snowed so much in between now and then that it took me 2 hours to use my snow blower today. And we don’t have a long driveway.
I live on the eastern shore of lake Erie, and we easily got 3 feet of snow since Thanksgiving. It’s so deep that I can’t even use my snow blower to clear the driveway.
Idaho is also being taken over by gun nuts and crazy right wing fascists.
To co-sign on the stupidity of embedded washing machine firmware, if we lose power, the next time you start the washing machine you’re presented with an error message saying the power has failed. Like, no duh. You have to acknowledge the error message before you can start a new load.
Haha, I can’t up vote this enough.
Yeah, what’s her specific plan to tackle the issues that people care about?
I used to live in a brick rowhouse, and the arched transom started to crack. I thought I’d diy repoint it myself, only to find out that a previous contractor had “fixed” it by jamming cardboard in the cracks and filled it in with caulk. Totally legit.
Can everyone please stop linking to Linus? He’s a YouTube huckster.
The technical term is AI slop.
He has concepts of religion.
I was in a punk rock band in high school that had a song called “Fuck Republicans” and it couldn’t be truer today.