He’s a vegetarian.
He’s a vegetarian.
Or at least one for each electoral vote.
No, like, what kind of sauce?
There’s all sorts of inappropriate ways to use a toaster where the failure mode is fire. Making toast in bed, under the covers? Catch fire. In a puddle of gasoline? Catch fire. Seriously, WTC toasters?
I guess I’ll find out. I have wondered if any of these are just scams.
when it started getting really bad, i started replying stop. it maybe made things a little better but i still get a fair number if these (including this one). it definitely hasn’t made it any worse.
Finally, a razor that’s specialized for shaving assholes!
Reminds me of the reddit mascot…
it’s just short for living standards that reduce corporate profits.
This generational. I’ve seen a number of names I thought of as grandma names come back into fashion. People who are young enough not to have experienced grandmas with those names pick them. Gertrude is a grandma name to me, BTW, not a great-grandma name. I actually had a grandma named Gertrude. Welcome to old. (Edit: my brain glitched from Mildred to Gertrude there. Looking forward to Alzheimers.)
I picked long ago. I just finally found a potential upside.
Even if he were prosecuted, his lawyers could claim he was too senile to know what he was doing, and it’s not like he’s got enough years left in him to worry about seeing the end of it.
Those are things that are in the interest of the US foreign policy agenda.
Can someone remind me of the last time a U.S. president took a principled stand on some foreign policy issue? Seriously, I’m not just asking this to be a dick. I’m pretty sure things are set up to ensure this does not ever happen.
It’s like they spent a lot of time and effort thinking about, how many different ways can we make this more terrifying? I’m having trouble coming up with anything else they could do short of anything really blatant like attaching it to a mobile body with flailing meat grinder arms and giving it a blood curdling 100 decibel scream.
So then if you get caught and these are taken away from you, I assume you can declare it as a loss and get an equivalent deduction the next year? I wonder if anyone’s ever used this to their advantage to game their tax rates?
I have a really hard time believing the two metals differ enough in how much they contract in cold temperatures to make the balls pop out.