Instead of doctors we’d have AI controlled animatronics doing the deed.
Instead of doctors we’d have AI controlled animatronics doing the deed.
So it really is oxymoronic?
Meditation is a nice alternative to this. It expands your consciousness, so that’s kinda like reading philosophy, and it’s time well spent so you can feel good about that. But it also gets you high, which is nice.
But normies basically do everything they’re told. I mean that’s their whole reality. They don’t even have individual mind. They are embedded in the hivemind like pebbles embedded in a glacier. All of their morals, thoughts, desires … are just a product of the hivemind.
You don’t want to be like that. That’s fucked. That’s a zombie holocaust.
What we want is ADHD with good self-discipline. Is that oxymoronic?
I love these technical discussions. Just kicking each other in the nuts over and over.
She’s so pretty.
To be fair, the pro-work propaganda is directed at the middle of the bell curve. That guy in the middle has bespoke mindfuck beamed into his brain 24-7, but the guys on the ends are well out of the line of fire.
Konami? Like, the videogame company?
Psychedelics is nice but meditation is better.
Gentle, manual, comprehensive, ceilingless.
Neo rises from his coffin.
Splitting the obedient underclass from the disobedient underclass.
Maybe it’s a staged event. The latest consensus-splitter / distraction.
Look how it has split us. Reddit deleting posts. Unironic discussion of guillotines.
Luigi is probably working for them. His job is to do all the “right” things, to further the preferred narrative and such. He’s a paid actor.
The real infidel will disappear quietly.
But are you willing to fake it? That’s what we’re asking. Are you willing to put your whole soul into faking it.
Everybody fakes it down here.