Be serious, Joe Rogan is at least 5’5”
Be serious, Joe Rogan is at least 5’5”
Would it just be a bro job now that they are friends?
I see Elon was moistening his lips for his next act…
Or, you can do what I did and wait 45 years before getting diagnosed and then spend the next 5 years being just as productive as the previous 45 combined (yay adderall!)
It can also be thought of as a positive, as we are shining a light in more of these dark corners that have existed for so long…
Maybe you had more than three, since it’s Tuesday 🤣
Yeah. I bet they have shitty backups that probably aren’t even encrypted at rest
Actually, Apple’s AI has made this pretty useful these days. It’s become yet another extension of my brain since i can now search them. But, yes, for a long time they were just more clutter. And, the benefit may still be quite marginal due to the fact that they are using energy in perpetuity as long as they are stored in the cloud. lol
At least in the US, we call the ones in jars “wieners” and not “hot dogs” lol
Because you are supposed to find 11 friends that can also stuff 7 sausages in their buttholes. Then you buy 7 packs of sausage and divide them equally among the 12 of you, with no waste.
Actually, yes I have. Right as I forgave them.