- Firefly make glow from food
- Solar panel make power from glow
I mean it does seem kinda weird that running a heat engine to run a generator is more efficient than using a thermoelectric generator with no mechanical inbetween step.
Why don’t they just let the steam rise on its own? Are they stupid?
In Dr Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000), he was green since the day he was born drifted in on his pumbersella.
ketchup, BBQ, sour cream and onion, and salt and vinegar all on one chip
but South Africa Standard Time is UTC+2:00
Pro tip: After vomiting, have a glass of milk (assuming you can keep it down). It’ll neutralize the stomach acid burning your throat
Looks like specifically cold borshch flavour. So beets and yoghurt
salt and vinegar is the 2nd best flavour (behind all dressed of course)
It’s how fish and chips are traditionally served
In the Pays d’en Haut Anglo settlers were moving in, French forts were rapidly expanding and militarizing, and both colonial powers were jockeying for Indigenous allies and exclusive trade partners. And in Acadia the oaths issue was still unresolved and considerable swaths of the country that France ‘ceded’ to Britain was under the control of the French-allied Wabanaki.
Another war was inevitable, Washington just lit the powderkeg.
Yeah, but more and more countries are getting more and more far right shitbags fucking with public services
this looks like writing in the large seal script
What planet do you live on where people don’t care about healthcare funding and policy?
How things work in BC:
When a practitioner changes for a service, they can’t bill any more than what the Payment Schedule says that procedure costs. So if the Medical Services Plan isn’t being billed (eg the doctor or patient opted out of MSP, the patient is a non-resident, the service is in the Payment Schedule but the Payment Schedule requirements consider it unnecessary) or MSP isn’t covering the full cost (some stuff like a second or third biopsy will only be covered 50 %), then the doctor can’t bill the patient any more than they would’ve billed MSP. This means practitioners have no incentive to not bill MSP.
The Payment Schedule (and thus allocation of the MSP budget) is set out by the Medical Services Commission which is composed of three representatives from the government, three from the Doctors of BC (the professional association which promotes the interests of member doctors) and three members of the public. So even if the government pushes for more stringent coverage requirements and budget surplus, the doctors are there to push for higher fees and less billing paperwork (besides exceptional circumstances like out-of-country care, patients can’t submit claims directly; everything is on the practitioner’s end), and the public is there to push for more coverage.
In practice this means that for the vast vast majority of services, the only justification that the practitioner needs to give MSP for coverage is the International Classification of Diseases diagnostic code for the condition being treated.
I’m not sure if there’s anything enable_if
can do that concepts can’t do somewhat better but yeah there’s definitely a lot of subtleties that reflection is going to make nicer or possible in the first place
You already can do that with C++20 concepts and the requires expression
template <typename T>
concept has_member_foo = requires(T t) {
// Will fail to instantiate (with nice error
// message) if t.foo() is ill-formed
template <has_member_foo T>
void bar(T t) {
// ...
// abbreviated form of above
void baz(has_member_foo auto t) {
// ...
// verbose form of above
template <typename T> requires
void biz(T t) {
// ...
// same as above but with anonymous concept
template <typename T> requires
requires(T t) { t.foo(); }
void bom(T t) {
// ...
// If already inside a function
if constexpr (has_member_foo<T>) {
// ...
// Same but with anonymous concept
if constexpr (requires(T t) { t.foo(); }) {
// ...
C++26 reflection is compiletime