This is hands down my favorite take so far
This is hands down my favorite take so far
Fast food is still affordable!!!
If you use the app and don’t get only exactly what you want but what the app gives deals on! At the low low cost of sharing your personal data to their marketing and development teams! (And maybe their 3rd parties depending)
My first thought when I saw the meme was more an Italian going ‘God No!! Why?!’
Because the microwave bowls are abominations. Don’t get me wrong I will eat them but they are awful starchy water+ powder that really nails that chemical je ne sais quoi
Even the Mac in pic is an awful sad example of a failed bowl
Yup. This is the boring reality the headline makes all rage-bait. Boring dystopia indeed
I do NOT get these things. They have creepy beady eyes an the nature of the product limits opportunity for details and distinction so they all look pretty generic! You might even NEED the box to tell you what it is. Soulless garbage being mass produced for landfills and seemed to outwear their welcome at least 5 years ago…
When I’m trying to get help for someone to not be homeless but they have to be homeless to get help
Thank you for your gentle correction, you got my meaning correct
Absolutely, thank you for the catch!
As someone who has had to confront homeless people with questionable mental health and/or sobriety; it’s fucking hard. You want a safe space for them but then quickly that space becomes unsafe for everyone around. But also… it isn’t hard just fucking talk to them. I have many times Don’t stop being smart but stop being afraid. Fear of the other breeds so much hate and misery
Oh if it isn’t obvious I support benches in public spaces and heavily condemn anti-houseless architecture/city planning
That show is gold and imo the best “playing as yourself” role and performance I’ve seen in media
Honestly yeah, like a podcast script read Reunion would be amazing with a modern script!
You explained what I missed, duck penis. Thanks.
Judgmental bitch. Dental insurance coverage is so much worse than medical it’s can be basically non existent
Bitch I can’t even find basic settings cuz they are so hidden in sub menus
I’m no programmer or UX designer but I can imagine what a mess things are on the dev side
Thank you, I realize now the criticism wasn’t that he was totally ignorant of manufacturing. More that he claimed to be The Smartesr I believe he is ignorant in engineering and often painted as a savant of that regardless, I had thought this was being painted in the same vein. My mistake
Yoooo whats your company are they hiring all positions?? Or is this sr engineers
I have literally hated elon before it was cool. I don’t intend to defend him but I also am of the mind it’s important to be educated on opinions, or at least I strive for that for my own.
I dont know the context of this quote but manufacturing, to me, sounds extremely plausible to me and maybe one of the few legitimate “skills” he actually has. Spacex and telsa is dealing a lot with manufacturing and the logistics of that. That is what I would presume his context was from this quote. Am I missing something?
I refuse to get dark cases for this reason! I have too much black
You have to work the system to get the shot of when you fought the system