This isn’t programming, just someone who sucks at bash.
🌱🌿 Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. 🌱🌿 ALL RIGHTS ARE WON THROUGH VIOLENCE!
This isn’t programming, just someone who sucks at bash.
It rhymes with freak!
Is the whole point of this community to repost tired old memes or are ya’ll just painfully uncreative?
I’m writing python in PyCharm on my M2 right now.
This is it – the dumbest shit I’ll read today, and I was just dunking on Nazis.
Fire is free for you and for me.
All of the above plus muscle atrophy that makes stuff like IT band issues feel like knee pain. I’m in phenomenal shape for a 40+ year old and I have to spend a significant amount of gym time doing yoga and correctional lifting instead of body building style lifting.
I’m not sure how you expect a program to know the dimensions you want without assigning values. Its a core principle of parametric cad.
What’s wrong with adding constraint dimensions?
All rights are won through violence.
You don’t need to agree with him to respect his life.
No, I fucking do not.
Advocating for murder of people who you don’t agree
That’s not happening here at all.
My dad used to listen to NPR but somewhere along the way NPR got replaced with Rush and Drudge. Thankfully he died before our relationship could be ruined by Trump but I know he would have been and I know it would have broken us.
I know none if you cunts IRL and I’m going to keep it that way. My Facebook is full of people I hang out with in the flesh.
Message boards arent social media.
Unless you’re a copyleft developer your opinion on the decisions of the creators is hilariously irrelevant.
That’s the point of the BSD license.
How does this work with containers?
That link doesn’t say what you think it does.
You have no point.
Mac is BSD, and the Darwin kernel is open source.
what’s a nano?