You do, probably.
human garbage
You do, probably.
What about Hitler’s kids and kids of his family members?
Ah, they made their choice to never have kids.
I kinda think they don’t need to do that, they are different persons with different backgrounds who’d act differently being knowledgeable of what Germany did there.
But I want this question to hang over the heads of these CEOs, their peers and families. I want them to question themselves.
I assume there’s a market of very desperate state-locked women that’d only grow with the second Trump presidency, if we center up on abortion medications they provide. If I were in this collective, I’d go far and beyond with veryfying drug makers on a personal level, maybe giving them something akin to a checkmark on their own site, because there is a threat of right-wing fuckos selling meth or rat poison while cosplaying as a legit makeshift anrchist lab under their guidance. Ough, what a sentence. Anyway, yeah, the circle of trust should be tight with that one and if I was a woman (or any patient) I could’ve used a couple of peers confirming they had a good batch from the X lab and it caused no harm to them. If we are talking serious drugs one little fucked up doze is enough to bury you, and it takes a very dedicated person to try it first.
Specifically in The Trial dude was judged and persecuted by the state without anyone even explaining to him what he did.
That’s some Kafka-tier bullshit, wtf.
As it learns from our data, no wonder it fucks up at regexps. They are the arcane knowledge not accessible to us mere mortals, nor to LLMs.
Kudos to this one person reporting it.
They knew what they are capable of and acted accordingly, like Spielberg and this wrecked cursed doll in Jaws. They cut every scene keeping in mind that they should avoid giving away how fake it really looks. With these dynos it’s the same, they constructed the picture in a way these rubber water hoses fit in.
There they kept that seemingly unfair close shot and oked it. More than that, direct shots right-in-yer-face are usually avoided because they are always uncomfortable even with real actors, but there they doubled down and got the best of uncanny valley effect. I feel like it’s more plausible to be a sabotage rather then incompetence.
On other points I agree, gfx jumped seven miles just between these to pictures, but technology can’t replace good taste and basic sense.
From behind it seems. They are running away, but the vid is reversed.
Into SVO you go (:
I can’t read the article for it opens some 1x1 gif at loading, but I suspect they’d only need to write a long form proof of why they need to use exactly that foreign brand for their work etc, and probably if they also have the leverage to do so (so many get filtered out, maybe). That’s how it works in Russia for plenty of years after we proclaimed we’d replace imported goods with something we don’t even produce lol.
Just look at that Hollywood smile. Is it a classic superhero movie with a modern twist? I bet he took some cats from the trees when dropping his bike in the park.
Do they have skull measurements in their dataset? It’s predestined to reproduce and cement existing biases.
It excells at being dumb, one can say (:
And honestly too realistic.
Completely unconnected to OP, but oh fuck do I hate that Microsoft Excel couldn’t open two documents side by side before like 2017. They all opened in one instance of the app unless you launch another as an admin, and it even screamed at you that it can’t open files with the same name. W?T?F?
Did you try that?
Ha, never read it. I count it as a recomendation.