Similar to Green Mountain Salsa. Nothing says authenticly Mexican like Vermont Salsa
Photobomb - anyone who is in a pic of me that I don’t want to be there regardless of whether or not they are aware of my existence.
I dislike Trump as much as the next sane, intelligent human, but context matters. The ways specifically talking about going to NBC and running a show. And there, yes, ratings are all that matters.
With God’s blessing.
First they would have to carry the head to the coast which is no easy task without a Toyota. You make it sound like crossing the Mediterranean is easy but storms are frequent and problematic. The ancient Israelites were not known for their seafaring prowess. In fact, they once got lost in the desert for 40 fucking years, so their ability to navigate by the stars is doubtful. Once they arrived in Italy, then, they would have had to cart that monstrosity hundreds of miles to Rome. And remember, this was before all road led there so, even more difficult. Finally, one should ask themselves why they would bother.
Also curious as to how it ended up it central Italy.
The Personal Confusion Fallacy or Personal Incredulously Fallacy - if I don’t understand it, it must be false.
If that guy is in his 40’s he has lived a hard life. I’m surprised he is still conscious let alone mobile.