The or part in that statement is really what kills you, as you sort of imply. You spend five hours almost getting your scanner to work, some times, unreliably.
That’s a worse outcome than the scanner refusing to work entirely in many cases.
The or part in that statement is really what kills you, as you sort of imply. You spend five hours almost getting your scanner to work, some times, unreliably.
That’s a worse outcome than the scanner refusing to work entirely in many cases.
Teachers are fairly decently paid where I live but the job is shit so nobody wants it. They don’t employ enough teachers so everyone is being worked to death, and they keep adding new admin tasks, reporting tools, standardised tests, etc that makes everything worse. Also they keep doing stupid reorganisations all the time.
Does this happen to you often? My impression is people usually tell you after they’ve succeeded.
Kyriarchy encompasses sexism, racism, ableism, ageism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Catholicism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, classism, xenophobia, economic injustice, the prison-industrial complex, colonialism, militarism, ethnocentrism, speciesism, linguicism and other forms of dominating hierarchies
Anti-Catholicism? You mean the global formal hierarchy that’s solidly historically in support of fascism and against feminism? O…Kay. Why is that the literally only religion listed there? I get why you’d want to protect minority religious practices but why single out Catholicism?
I’m kind of worried about Celebration, Florida now. It always seemed too much of a Stepford Wives type situation but now it’s just ridiculous.
Scandi here, sorry to tell you our system also sucks. It has almost exactly all the problems of the soviet system (queues, poor quality, corruption) AND the American system (inequality, horrible if you’re poor, inefficient focus on luxury production), but in moderation. You can call it better (I would, or I’d have moved), but it still sucks. You need a system that’s fair, transparent, efficient, and provides enough.
We have the capacity to do that, but I don’t think it can be combined with capitalism. Capitalism eats everything around it (and inside it). It cannot be negotiated with, except for at most a lifetime in exceptional circumstances, usually less.
By the way, a unique problem with social democracy is that capitalist interests have a huge incentive and ability to commandeer whatever shit implementation of democracy you have to extract profits. If you have centralised social services (housing, healthcare) they’re very very vulnerable to takeover, selling our, deregulation where private entities can cream the market and leave the difficult cases to the publicly funded variants etc etc.
Another issue is the EU, which demands universal market liberalism. The Swedish housing system with universal public housing as opposed to social housing for the poor was explicitly fucked by this after a EU court ruling demanding they operate their rental flats like profit-driven companies, which of course completely destroyed their ability to provide the service they’re designed to provide.
Can it search email now? I tried finding an email about two weeks ago and i had to give up and search on my phone.
Well I sure as fuck don’t fund us as a phd student in programming languages
I’ve made almost this exact joke about my wife, who is making twice my salary working for an accelerator manufacturer (that isn’t NVIDIA).
Interesting; apparently there are no known cases of anyone dying from it, but it stops ethanol from metabolising properly so like with antabus you mostly just feel like shit for a while. So it sounds like an actually useful treatment for alcoholism.
Someone described open source as the commons of capital and I guess that’s not entirely incorrect. The availability of boring things like server operating systems, encryption libraries, etc, cheapens many commodities to the point where they are viable because people can afford them. Imagine the price of whatever IoT trinket is in vogue if the maker had to roll every software it touches from scratch.
What kills me is that the economics of this are completely backwards. The playbook were following is supposed to work like this:
However, what we have is an external price shock situation plus simple price gouging. Salaries don’t drive inflation because the unions are pretty much busted at this point. So raising interest rates only increases the cost of living (and the profits of banks).
What you’d need is a way to do investment that would fix the energy crisis (massive investment in renewables at a scale that can only be done by a state), handling the supply chain issues caused by various wars (don’t have a solution to that one except “beat Russia I guess”), and curbing greedflation (tighter regulation and trustbusting the various suppliers and retailers in the food market, most of whom are monopolies or monopsonies).
The EU also has a specific situation where the energy market is fucked mostly because Germany decided to get all their energy as fossil fuels from Russia, a decision that as bad then and catastrophic now. For reasons of EU nonsense this has made energy prices surge everywhere in the union.
Basically, the people in charge of the economy looked at their one remaining lever of control and went “sure this isn’t the fix for this situation but let’s do it; it’s our only option”. It’s infuriating.
This happened to me in a web form, but it was with .jpg and .jpeg. I was on a phone.
I should have expected the rug-pull at the end when I read:
You may know me as a Bitcoin educator and engineer
However, I was still surprised!
It looks really cool!
I’ve seen so many early-development/prototype P2P projects and so few mature ones. I wonder what’s driving this!
Summary: “Politician makes completely unsubstantiated but spectacular claim that negative trend is due to his pet peeve social issue”.
It’s even worse than what you suggest.
Try finding:
These are regular requirements for office work that I’ve had trouble with.
Oh and I also routinely have trouble turning off my computer, it just freezes at a black screen. This is a stationary computer with nothing weird in it.