Louder for the people on the back, please!
Louder for the people on the back, please!
I understand and agree. But being complicit and helping the genocide (and basically enabling it by not saying it is one out loud) could be considered evil.
Now, Biden may not be evil. But it’s foreign policy in this regard might be.
Still, the genocide will be carried out. But enabling it does not help. And I say it again. If Biden is evil, it does not matter. It is better than Trump. You do not need to portray him in a good light. He just needs to be supported more than Trump. Vote Biden.
We Argentinians elected a fascist as president. I can and would have got behind the right if it meant stopping this pos.
I understand where are you coming from. But you honestly believe that a person that enables genocide abroad isn’t evil?
That is a good question. But still, not a gotcha. Communism does not mean centrally controlled food supply. A lot of man made famines have existed in the history of mankind, yet this is the only one that gets used to demonize a socio-political system. To be fair, im not invested in the history of Ukraine nor the Soviet Union to explain the details of what happened. Although it is possible that what you mention has a good amount of merit in the situation, never are this things so clear. I guess it was a factor, but how big, I can not tell right now.
As a South American who had to choose between right and extreme right, being a leftist, I completely understand the frustration about voting Biden. And what’s more, agree completely he does not deserve to be voted. But, in order to defeat fascism and with all other cards now played, Biden is the lesser of two evils and taking the moral high ground could result on fascism taking over the USA. I suggest voting for Biden. My two cents…
No one denies Holodomor. It happened. The funny thing is you can’t fully point at it with your finger and say “it happened cause communism” but most genocides the US did can and will be pointed at with the “that’s cause capitalism”.
Of course it was horrible. Of course it should not happen again. And should not have happened. But it is not the gotcha you think it is.
Also, you’ll surely understand that Soviet Communism in that specific period is not the only type of communism that existed, right?
In Argentina we use it mostly as a “y”. And sounds like an “sh”.
There are dumber things. Javier Milei and it’s government, for example. And those who voted for them. It’s like voting for Trump. Thankfully, for you, no one forces ypu to speak inclussively.
Languages are not static.
Don’t worry. At least you tried. Met some English speaking folks who expect everyone to talk in their language… In a country of Spanish speakers. To be fsir, here in Argentina we hsve mandatpry English classes in High School. Its a subject on its own right. So we have some people who can speak English pretty well.
Here in Argentina, we tend to use the “e” ltter at the end. To be fair, only people who use what we call inclusive language use it. It ends up being “no-binarie” which makes more sense.
That is great indeed. And it’s nearing 3.0!
Why? Genuinely curious about what is wrong with it.
Kinda has a point…
These people who hate GIMP didn’t really practice with it all that much. I use for my day job, editing photos and making content for marketplaces. It works very well. The workflow may be different to PS, yes, but that does not make GIMP bad. Also, for those who hate the UI, two things. First, why don’t you help the dev team? And second, we’ll have GTK3 support soon (finally).
I believe the trade-offs make Rust the best option to replace C++. Now, i’m not sure about Zig replacing C yet…
Couldn’t we use pure C or Pure Data with hvcc for this?
Agree. Also Fascists and Theocrats.