Self-hosted XMPP using OMEMO included? OMEMO are based on Signal, hence my question.
Self-hosted XMPP using OMEMO included? OMEMO are based on Signal, hence my question.
They force you to give them your phone number. No phone number = not allowed to use Signal. Plus, Signal uses servers from Big Tech (just search for it on reddit).
XMPP (mainly Snikket) is the best lightweight option.
Because Signal does not fully respect your privacy.
It is very important to mention that you mean end-to-end encryption. The data is stored encrypted when using cloud chat. Nothing (besides phone number what I know) is stored in plain text on Telegram’s servers.
I am not defending Telegram. I am just stating facts.
Negative votes incoming in 3… 2… 1…
Anywhere in Europe so GDPR can be fully used and so Apple will not have the same power over their users as they have today.
Like what another person said, hate is a strong word. But when it comes to Big Tech, I’m all for the word.
Might have missed adding something to the list. Will add more if I have.
So? 🙂 That does dosen’t mean that they have a bad product. Personally, I don’t like their love for very round corners everywhere. But I use because of 1 thing: Tuta do not support IMAP/SMTP
I download the videos I want to watch with yt-dlp. This applies to audio as well. I then add the videos to my Jellyfin server to watch them on the TV.