toothbrush mentioned above that the limits may apply if you use Limesurvey’s hardware.
No limits if you self-host.
toothbrush mentioned above that the limits may apply if you use Limesurvey’s hardware.
No limits if you self-host.
The limit you reached seems to be at odds with the Limesurvey docs.
I haven’t used Limesurvey recently to know if it works at large scale without restrictions, maybe someone else can weigh in.
How are you defining ‘large scale surveys’?
There were no scale restrictions on V1 when I used it, how is V2 restricted?
From the Limesurvey features page:
LimeSurvey 2.x currently offers:
Unlimited number of surveys at the same time
Unlimited number of questions in a survey (only limited by your database)
Unlimited number of participants to a survey
The wiki page for Red Dye 3:
Erythrosine is restricted as a food additive in the European Union, China, United States, and the United Kingdom.
Its usage is limited in Australia, and New Zealand.
On this blessed day, we celebrate the birth of rat-jesus.
Real shit.
Took me a while to consider if this was an art piece. They were functional and used by many people, IIRC.
6 bonus days of being with mum, is what I’m going with.
The one we didn’t know we needed!
Love it. (c:
you can put down buildings while on pause.
Now this! is a pro-tip. Thanks!
This is my other favourite one
My guy, circuit-bending is usually only for music.
That’s what my favourite font uses, behold MULI !
TempleOS is a fever-dream.
The entire OS is released into the Public Domain, so it’s technically more free than Linux, which is quite a feat.
Kind of like the Watts Towers, it’s a one-man curiosity or folly.
Got to be inspired by Dark Castle (1986).
I so want this to be the same schoolkids from the Tuba-on-face-meme, just slaying with constant quality content. (Pics are probably 10 years apart though)