That was a reason back then to pay for a distribution box - it came with a very good printed manual. Which had beginner friendly sections like “now that you have a running system let’s configure and build a kernel matching your hardware”.
That was a reason back then to pay for a distribution box - it came with a very good printed manual. Which had beginner friendly sections like “now that you have a running system let’s configure and build a kernel matching your hardware”.
And the printed manual that came with the computer showed you how to program it.
You can drop that as far as clause.
Long time ago I got a small screw driver from a D-Link employee with the comment that this is the only non shit item with D-Link branding.
That applies if you’re looking at density per weight - but for most stuff driving around the interesting metric is density per volume, and hydrogen sucks there, even if we’re looking at liquid nitrogen, which is completely impractical for storage here.
To make matters worse, you’re limited to specific shapes for your pressurized tank if you want to optimize pressure it can take (and with that storage volume), while batteries you can stick in individual chunks pretty much wherever you find a bit of space.
Still you can rely on military logistics to carry a swap battery. But isn’t the military supply chain the first target to disrupt?
That’s true as well for hydrogen, though. And I guess there’s a higher chance of getting access to “power” somewhere in the field than finding a hydrogen tank. Also, energy density of lithium batteries is higher than for hydrogen storage.
I’ve let my google developer account expire quite a while ago after they kept asking for more and more stupid stuff. Nowadays if you don’t get paid a lot for it you must be either a masochist or a bit stupid if you upload to google play.
Now I’d like a similar opera centered around Mohammed to compare the reactions.
The flatmates then gave the scorpion water on kitchen towel, which it drank immediately, and some card to hide under before contacting animal groups.
That’s some great thinking in a stressful situation.
Supposedly Mossad just built up factories also building non-exploding devices, and just included the extras on specific orders - so I guess they checked for each order if the guy ordering had “Hesbollah head of sourcing” in his linkedin profile, or something like that.
Just nuke Moscow, and send a message to the Germans and Japanese to surrender, or they’ll be next.
The problem is - is it just a mass storage device? Or is it maybe also a USB keyboard that will try to enter some payload? Or maybe it even contains a radio, and can communicate with an attacker nearby?
You can’t tell from the outside which protocols a USB device implements.
You can fit all of that functionality into the space of a USB-A plug - so if it is a thumbdrive you have way more space to work with than you ever need.
At minimum restrict your computer to only loading mass storage drivers - but as you quite likely habe USB input devices it is just a lot easier to investigate such a device on something like a raspberry pi.
It still is mobile, it can go a bit up and down.
Just read her wikipedia page - as I’m not from the US I’ve been mostly treating US politics as a bad comedy show for the last two decades or so, and even though she’s vice president she was too much of a side character to register.
The one thing that did rech me over there was that she’s a bad candidate as VP as she’ll erect a police state when biden dies. After reading her bio I can’t find problems there, though. I disagree with some details - like seeking life imprisonment - but can give her a pass due to the environment she’s operating in which probably wouldn’t allow anything else (if you’re confused: all convicts should undergo rehabilitation attempts with goal of release. If you stay locked up it’ll be due to you still posing a danger to society, in which case you still get more privileges than a prisoner as at that stage it is considered a mental health issue, and treating you as prisoner for that would be a human rights violation).
For sticking to not seeking death penalty she deserves respect, though, and generally she seemed to be focused on putting actual criminals to prison.
Don’t have links anymore, but few months ago I came across some startup trying to sell AI that watches your production environment and automatically optimizes queries for you.
It is just a matter of time until we see first AI induced large data loss.
The problem with renewables is the fluctuation. So you need something you can quickly spin up or down to compensate. Now you can do that with nuclear reactors to some extent - but they barely break even at current energy prices, and they keep having the same high cost while idle.
So a combination of grid storage and power plants with low cost when idle (like water) is the way to go now.
Did pretty much the same with a new server recently - spent ages debugging why it didn’t find the SAS disks. Turns out, disks like to have power connected, and no amount of debugging on software level will help you.
Shitty companies did it like that back then - and shitty companies still don’t properly utilize what easy tools they have available for controlled deployment nowayads. So nothing really changed, just that the amount of people (and with that, amount of morons) skyrocketed.
I had automated builds out of CVS with deployment to staging, and option to deploy to production after tests over 15 years ago.
Accessing powershell is not the issue - that Windows is broken, with a sprinkle of bad permission management by corporations using it is the issue. And the bad permission practices are a direct result of how broken Windows is - I tried a while ago to use it with a fully unprivileged user, just like I do for decades on UNIX and now Linux. It pretty much is impossible without privilege elevation prompts every few minutes.
In a proper environment a user should be able to destroy data they’re working with - but not have the ability to alter the operating system.
Had to look that lawyer bit up as it just sounded too much like Gravenreuth - and indeed it was.
That’d break git repos where files with the same name, but different case exist.