Rural school
Rural school
I didn’t know hempseed was illegal in the US. It’s a pretty boring ingredient elsewhere.
Everytime you are in a meeting that could have been an email, remember that there are police raids that could be solved by looking at Google maps for 30sec.
You are assuming the Sheriff acted totally normal just before abusing their power.
They have those at airports.
What do you do with your used telephone booths?
I don’t get it
A whole a house or just this room?
Anyway: Amazing.
All I got was the IKEA family card. Free coffee. Yeah.
Most UK cinemas are perfectly happy when audiences bring in their own snacks.
And they still make money. From selling snacks.
Because people are lazy and want a good time.
I wouldn’t say that a buy drinks or nachos to support “my” local cinema – it’s still a chain --, but if I feel like it I’m buying from the venue. Many people do. There are always queues for popcorn.
Everything about this screams fake, but …
You can have inline images that are only shown as part of the rendered HTML. Don’t ask me how, but you’ll find some examples in your inbox.
I’m not against a rule banning too many reddit accounts, but how would they know? Ok, counting aliases per sender domain is a good hint without scanning content.
Like some mastodon or lemmy instances