He asked what the fuck was wrong with your laptop this time.
He asked what the fuck was wrong with your laptop this time.
I’m so critical not of other anecdotes, but of a comment that explicitly stated I was lying, and that there was no chance I could possibly have had a perfect experience so far with Arch. He didn’t infer, he didn’t imply, he straight up said I was lying. That’s literally the words he used.
Of course I’m going to be critical of that.
Yeah, neither does “eVeRyOnE wIlL hAvE pRoBlEmS”. Kinda a stupid thing to say, all things considered.
Yeah, and sooner or later, I’ll die of old age, or cancer, or an accident, or get audited on my taxes.
None of those things have happened yet either. Not only that, but the same is true for every operating system that has ever existed, or will ever exist, including every distro of Linux.
I don’t like waiting that long, because sitting for an hour while it recompiles everything that updated is annoying. I like the daily or so updates that only take a couple minutes.
Did you consider that the problems you have might not be problems that other people experience? I very highly doubt our two systems are at all similar. Your experience is just that, yours, and so you don’t have any right to be arbitor over whether or not I’m lying.
Well I set up automated timeshift on btrfs, so maybe that’s why it’s playing nice.
I’ve never had any issues with my Arch install being unpredictable. It has always worked exactly as I expected it to, even though I update it every couple of days.
You just triggered so many cryptobros.
A closet with a toilet that doubles as the kitchen sink would be $3k in NYC.
In Trumps case, we know from him saying it repeatedly that he wants to fuck his own daughter. I wouldn’t bet money that he hasn’t already.
Don’t forget incest. There’s a reason the south has billboards saying “she’s your daughter, not your date”. If the problem is so bad that people are paying to run anti-incest campaigns, there’s a real issue with the people living there.
Well, it didn’t sound like a duck. You just have problems comprehending what you read.
DNT didn’t do shit anyway. If you’re relying upon corporations like Google to not track you just because you asked nicely, then you have a very naive view of how much they actually give a shit about your wishes.
I’ve seen Greek statues less chiseled.
Nothing you’ve said disagrees with the meme.
All I have to say is yikes, dude. Just… yikes.
The only people who use the term “NPC” or “normie” are those who realize they aren’t special, and detest that fact. That you’ve used those terms, and have called yourself “rational lib”, tells me you’re male, lonely, and dealing with subconscious feelings of inadequacy that you can only deal with by dehumanizing other people.
I’m sorry I made fun of you, and I hope you end up getting help.
the only downside to btrfs, is the good natured arguments you’ll get into online over how to pronounce it.
It’s not offensive, it’s just not that funny.