Thank you for your service.
Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior
Thank you for your service.
Yah, the at times almost universal male genital mutilation in the US goes back to religious nutjobs like Kellog & co to stop boys from masturbating. It’s also what motivated Kellog, in his quest for the blandest food, to invent cornflakes, because, apparently, spicy foods make you naughty. Good Glob, I wish I was kidding.
On one side, I find this comic to be super hilarious each time I see it, on the other it hits so close to home and tracks so well with reality each time …
No need to be sorry, “modern German” here, and I very much approve of this piece of political art. Those who don’t can suck it.
Why is there a photo of a dead weed smoker’s lungs on the top? Very disrespectful!
Stupid sexy frog!
That’s a lot of words to say you’re from Alabama.
That’s ok, we don’t kink shame around here.
I can’t find the words to properly express how much I love this.
To shreds you say?
I am here to inquire about your spoons.
German here: if you take peaceful demonstration as an option away from people, they are left with two options: being resigned or non-peaceful demonstration. The German stance to hinder peaceful demonstration against the Israeli atrocities is stupid and labeling Greta Thunberg as primed for violence is beyond stupid. And the majority of Germans has no active memory of the 72 Olympics incident.
В танце in my ass (in dance in my ass)
🎶 I see a black road and I want to paint red 🎶
Breaking Bad and Avril Lavigne in one meme about linux vs windoze … what a ride …
I think this is a Shittshitpost.