Abrams turrets are steeper and slope down towards the hull more. And the turret is overall thicker too, I think. Those are definitely Russian tanks, but my expertise on identifying Russian models is sadly lacking
Abrams turrets are steeper and slope down towards the hull more. And the turret is overall thicker too, I think. Those are definitely Russian tanks, but my expertise on identifying Russian models is sadly lacking
It’s been unlikely to ever deploy again since the floating drydock it was in caught fire and almost sank the damn boat
Yeah…this honestly just makes me want to vote for her more
There are some commercial rolls I’ve seen in the US that seem to be a happy medium…the holder itself in the stall has a thin plastic rod for the TP to go on, and the rolls have a very small opening in the center (and no cardboard) to go on that rod.
True, however I have to assume that fuel tanks tend to be lower on the locomotives (and therefore nearer the tracks), so as long as the explosive is high enough energy to set off the fuel, it’ll do a lot of the work for you. As will momentum, because all the explosive has to do is damage the tracks and jostle the engine, and the length of cars behind will keep on moving, go of the rails, and slam into the fireball.
Or detonate the payload beneath a train to destroy both the train AND the track
Replace the T with Texas Instruments and I’m in
They fill the bung holes
I think there’s a requirement to render counseling services to all denominations, including atheists/agnostics, because the chaplain corps is pretty much the closest the Navy gets to mental health care while deployed. Not the greatest system, in all honesty.
I mean, if you go further back than 1947/1948, didn’t the Palestinians used to own Israel? Or do we want to go even further back, to about 1200 BCE?
Nothing for the customer. It’s just convenient for the theater to charge more for the ticket.
Cancel culture only really is a thing when the person on the receiving end is capable of feeling the tiniest shred of embarrassment/remorse for what they’ve done (not being caught). People fade into obscurity when they get “cancelled” because the massive outcry from the public convinces them they can’t ignore that what they’re doing is wrong anymore. In the case of most fascist hucksters (as well as Mr Beast), they are incapable of seeing that what they’ve done is wrong, so they can never be convinced of the need to stop