Sumo Enjoyer - Gunpla Builder/Painter - General Menace
I knew a musician who did an amazing cover of Come to Me by Bobby McFerrin. It translates really well into a guitar.
Let’s hope they can recover this ecological disaster. This is awesome.
Never felt so targeted in my fucking life.
As much of a shit head as he is, I can separate the man from the music and jam that shit loud as fuck because good lord it’s a banger.
Man… when I lived in Los Angeles. Latinos hated blacks, it surprised me - I heard some crazy shit that made me look like ಠ_ಠ
These people have no concept of geo politics and global trade. For example, we produce a lot of the world’s soy, that’s a major export, not many other countries do it on a large scale like that - so we cut the other countries some slack and tell them we won’t produce this particular good so you can have a hand in the global economy. Yes having the production here would be ideal as I’m all for it, but the world is so much more than Murica and they can’t see past their fucking noses.
Taking over corporate phone systems… what? Care to elaborate?
They took my shins!
Username checks out.
But in all seriousness, I’m glad you and everyone else invovled didn’t get hurt there. I’m sure your heart was beating in your ears, was it not? Lol
Shameless YuYu Hakusho reference (I hope)
I appreciate you taking the time to describe that. I’ve always thought about the effects on local fauna and flora and the shifting upwards of temperatures and thus shifting biomes and potential farmland upwards as well. And what you’re describing kind of fits the description.
I feel like something bigger is going on though. People around the states have noticed bug populations down in populated areas, I don’t know about anything outside of here though. Things are changing and the way science works it’s typically slow to react.
I’m from the South so I feel your pain, people are painfully ignorant. I’m more interested in the fact that you said the woods sound and smell different, could you elaborate?
The finer things in life
I like this a lot, it’s a like a penalty to stay inside and recoup for awhile as well as a check to see if you can survive with the resources you’ve saved but 3rd times the charm to seal the deal. What’s the mod name?
Look, I’m all for raising the minimum wage, and if it ever comes across the ballot I would always vote yes. But this is such a shit take, of fucking course dress code is easier to deal with than the economics of the whole country. If you’re going to critique the government, make sense at least.
It is (or has already?) Going to receive a face-lift. That might help out a little bit honestly.