Idk there was already one since luigi
Memes aside, trying is more than ‘not trying’. Some progress is better than no progress.
Not voting just meant that they were fine with whatever the majority wanted. Like the trolly problem even not choosing is actually still a choice and those eligible nonvoters are culpable.
“I’m gonna take you out in two plunges. First, I plunge you, then you plunge to the ground”
Son, do ya know what scat is?
Imma throw myself off the edge to meet the turtles 😭
Its the definition tho:
The act of placing a person or thing in a position of lesser importance, influence, or power; the state of being placed in such a position:
The social marginalization of overweight adolescents may further reduce their self-esteem and increase depression.
Don’t use chrome, ez
Ah, I see you know your judo well
Lord, I have seen what you’ve done for others…
yeah the meme sets up a ridiculous scenario but does promote the ‘trust me bro’ stance.
The scenario here is Person A makes claim. Person B wants a source.
If you want Person B to accept your claim you have to back it up. If you dont care then the point is moot. Its that easy.
How is it that this “do your research” crowd
Dont lump me into random crowds. Im just saying that this meme is for some reason promoting the ‘trust me bro’ stance and I dont like that.
Yeah thats fair. Thats when Id decide that their acceptance is no longer important and no amount of evidence will matter anyways.
It is if I can trust you. The reality is i can’t. So if you have claims and its important for you to ensure i understand or accept your input then you better be able to back it up or I won’t.
If you were ‘there’ then prove that.
There are a lot of scenarios where it is just not important to have acceptance or agreement from the other party so it’s not like this is a universal rule. But if you have to rely on ‘trust me’ then you have to accept that some people simply wont.
I dont think asking for sources is ever a bad thing. Even for basic information. We should not defer to ‘trust me bro’ or ‘everyone already knows’
“Online male entertainer”
What for? There are absolutely no real options to avoid the Israel/Palestine conflict. So as an adult who understands that there are some things I can and cannot influence I move on to those I can influence.
One candidate is leagues above the other.
Anyone who says “well your candidate will be bad for Israel/Palestine” is being disingenuous because both will suck. Thats bait and a distraction.
Going 3rd party or abstaining from voting are both stupid approaches.