Why not? Mostly smell for me. Because feet being imprisoned in shoes most of the time gives them an aroma most people don’t like.
Why not? Mostly smell for me. Because feet being imprisoned in shoes most of the time gives them an aroma most people don’t like.
Then we would need to know how many CEOs you need to “not see” before somebody connects some dots…
It’s a story told over multiple comics in the last few days. The guy at the bottom killed another character and put the remains on his head.
Greed was meant not only as greed for money but greed for power in general. Money itself is worthless, only its substitution for power is why it’s important in the first place.
I agree with your comment, but I didn’t talk about economic structures, but rather about how power is distributed in a society. That is closely connected to the economic structure, sure. But for example the Soviet Union was state socialism and started enough wars themselves. Also not because the workers wanted it, but those in power did.
The problem is and always was the power structure and the greed of those at the top of it. It had many different names and forms during history.
In a certain way I even agree with the sentiment. Of the crystals I have grown myself, the perfect ones are kinda nice, but do look fake/more like plastic. Those that are nearly perfect but have visible impurities (not to much, not to little) are far more visually pleasing to me.
The big BUT is that this in no way is a reason to support blood diamonds. If aesthetic is more worthy to you than human rights, than you are a villain, it’s that simple.
Certain death tomorrow is better than certain death today.
I share your pessimistic view on what this win means, but don’t get disheartened. It is still a win for privacy and citizen rights.
We most definitely have enough sources about Christianity existing pre 12th century that this claim can be easily refuted. Even the most simple ones like having christian catacombs around Rome dating to the second century.
Just to correct you on something: the plot of dogma is real policy since at least 1300. It is not new.
Still just a marketing tactic though.
AfD would also be possible, except they wouldn’t resign. So ok, you are right.
It’s a different isotope, so different number of neutrons. If the proton number would be different, it would be another element altogether, since the proton number defines what element it is.
Those two aren’t mutually exclusive.
In fact, Pyroceram is according to Wikipedia a glass-ceramic.
It is a glass which has a special composition and was heated so much, that it loses some part of its glass character but retains some other. So calling it a glass is not wrong.
Oh, that might explain it then. Strange that the glass blower didn’t know that.
Pyrex is fraud!
I bought two Pyrex bowls and went to a glass blower to get them modified. The first one shattered and the glass blower then looked at both of them under polarized light: they both showed strong signs of internal stress. The glass blower was really angry and accused the producer of cheating, because the color was also a slight green, which meant iron was in there, which should not be the case. According to the glass blower in the professional line Pyrex seems to be worth something, but for normal customer? Not really.
Vinegar is perfectly fine for that. With a bigger amount of minerals you just need more vinegar and time.
You are technically right that the water heater softens the water a bit by precipitating the minerals around the heating element and thereby removing them from the water. But that is energy inefficient and expensive, since you normally don’t use a water heater to soften your water but rather to get warm water. So putting another system in front of the heater that softens it first is better than replacing the heat element every so often.
Just a small correction: Horus is not the god of death, but the god of ruling, war and the sky. The role of god of death fits better to Anubis or Osiris, depending on how you interpret the role.
Well, he did call the person he thought was racist a mutual…
Precisely this