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There are non smoking casinos
We also have “towns” that are insufficient in size and unlisted or are under another towns “address”. A town near me has less than 1000 people and that includes the towns under it that are 3-5mi apart.
No one talking about the stairs on the left that are ladder height?
They installed full height cabinets under a chase… There’s not enough room under them now.
Source on speeding cameras working for anything other than revenue generation?
Wow really? In 2024?
It’s like a free ride when you’ve already paid AM I DOING THIS RIGHT
Word. I stopped after the second game wouldn’t play because their shit drm/servers… Luckily lesson 2 was a gift.
Cool? Who else do you kick for doing the right thing?
Do you have evidence? Another poster says you’re wrong and this fake shit only harms the fight against Trump.
Yes but no. It’s a play on angles. They kissed on cheeks - weird but not wildly unusual.
BS like this doesn’t help fight against Trump.
They’re not shitty. HP, Lenovo do the same shit - proprietary motherboards, limited feature sets, and minimal upgrade paths are typical of OEMs… It’s also why a lot of people recommend building to anyone.
It’s an OEM motherboard and it may not be a normal standard. The PSU isn’t normal either so it wouldn’t fit most *ATX cases. Plus, free is free.
But not necessarily the same four days as me.
Crowd strike did this to Linux in April.
If you can’t distinguish between racist trash rednecks and hicks or other country folks… You haven’t been around them enough. Letter Kenny is to duck dynasty as judge Judy is to dog the bounty hunter.