Let me guess… its a laptop isn’t it?
Let me guess… its a laptop isn’t it?
Even Tommy Douglas thought that the mice would elect cats. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqgOvzUeiAA
CLICKBAIT the theory goes “if given an infinite amount of time, a monkey pressing keys on a typewriter would eventually write the complete works of William Shakespeare.” and then they say that would take longer than the universe would exist. SEE THE ORIGINAL QUOTE… INFINITE TIME. Also that is if it went through every combination. Due to Random Chance it could happen the 3rd try of you doing it.
This is a nothing burger of a story about some mathematicians that crunched some of the numbers involved and didn’t like what they saw.
Awww, Muffin.
It turns out it went multi-engine, probably to prevent getting cut off of Google’s Results. It probably mixes results from multiple engines like the old multi engine search engines in the old days of the internet.
When they were purchased it was with the understanding that they would get no user data and that Startpage does not collect it, and it has the same CEO who started the company so I believe him.
Yeah, I should have said “by default” because that is how most people will use it, but the power users will use other engines.
AFAIK Startpage gives you google results with your privacy intact and less ads.
Uses Bing results.
From someone where poor alcoholics drink Listerine to get drunk despite how hard it is on their body, it is nothing like bourbon and a scourge on humanity. My city took it off of user shelves and behind the counter at stores and pharmacies until lobbying got their way.
Oh and btw it only works short term and doesn’t even cover half the causes of bad breath.
For which politician. The ones that AIPAC has either bought off or scared that they will spend endless money against any position you run for on your competitor at the slightest move that they do not approve of. The Scary Orange Man who will make things worse or the party of the Scary White Man who is literally funding the genocide of your people, the third party candidates which will get you attacked from both sides, or choose not to vote at all for a protest.
And if you look they say “They won’t vote for Genocide” not “They won’t vote for Kamala if she changes her position on Israel and its lunatic right wing government”. But they won’t vote for someone who is killing their families.
I haven’t looked it up but the Artwork was recently put out by the official artist that did the Obama Hope Poster so I gather it was from the official campaign but did not verify.
Many were Palestinians who had lost swaths of their family to Genocide, but you don’t care about that… oh I though we were both making assumptions based on personal opinion.
This post was made by King right after Kamala did a rally in Michigan and used that phrase to trash some Anti-Genocide Pro-Palistine protesters who she first said that “OK I’m Speaking” and then told them to keep it up if they wanted Trump to win. This is after she had had met with muslim leaders and protest leaders and was giving them the run around.
Caitlin Johnstone who is famous for hosting Democracy Now and has been covering the genocide in depth, saw Steven King post this and thought, as many other people did, that it was referring to what she did to the protesters . Then people in the know started to inform us that it was in reference to something she said during the Presidential Debate 4 years ago. Something that her team should take into account and do away with that merch for a while.
You don’t need to teach the dog to drive, all you need is a learner’s license. Rig one up in photoshop… what are they going to spend the money to check it.
On the wing… The left wing.
The part that most don’t talk about is that installing and getting games up and going in Linux that can run in Linux, often takes allot of configuration and trying, but on the plus side it can run many games from older versions of Windows with some configuration.
It is the configuration that one has to learn how to do which most casual users aren’t skilled enough to do. It is after you learn how to do it that between the Linux Native Games and most other games from Windows.