Same here, is it going to be (H)olland, (T)he Netherlands or (N)etherlands, with the minor inconvenience of (N)ederland.
Same here, is it going to be (H)olland, (T)he Netherlands or (N)etherlands, with the minor inconvenience of (N)ederland.
They will probably have domesticated us, instead of them.
I’ve used it, it’s pretty rough and unfinished, the current main branch doesn’t build without help and you’ll need ollama or openai keys.
The results however are impressive, even with a small model like phi3 mini through ollama. They got some good prompts behind it and the results name the sources + have some good followup questions.
to be fair, the only real reason to wear the same socks is so they feel the same on your feet
I prefer for it to be just a warning so I can debug without trouble, the build system will just prevent me from completing the pull request with it (and any other warning).
Gotta cage the elephant