Is this a critique on lemmy
Is this a critique on lemmy
Not to gatekeep pacifism, but I would really struggle to justify taking another human life, even when seeing red. It would probably take long enough to get over that hurdle for what I was trying to prevent to occur. I am a physically large man and could do a lot of damage, so when I’ve been hit in the past I’ve found other methods of de-escalating the situation. Not applicable in every situation. But it would be something I’d have to put a lot of thought into.
Slightly off topic, but I find it interesting that in two of your examples it isn’t directly the oppressor paying for their crimes directly, but someone (presumably?) uninvolved. Is there a reason for that? I’m all for karma, but it feels like this is still targeting innocents…
I’ve been here long enough to get to be the annoying guy who complains about seeing this before!
The real post is always in the comments
At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country?
I hope long after these two particular memes die out on the platform, people still randomly make posts like this pretending it’s an evergoing thing
Is it possible to help someone going through this?
Don’t think they were being serious
This is the third time I’ve seen exactly this referenced on Lemmy. Is this becoming a thing? I feel like this is becoming a thing.
Born in 2000, my parents had a computer (running Windows XP) but it was only for work. Went over to my friends’ houses to experience the information superhighway.
Why are you getting your uwu all over the garlic?
Getting 10 million likes on YouTube is astronomically more difficult than any of the others
Edit: For reference, the most liked YouTube video on the platform only has x5 that amount, at 53 million likes and 8.5 billion views.
Companies 12 hours after June ends
Meat her? I hardly know her!
Well, let’s see. Depending on your age, you were alive when JFK was assassinated. You watched the moon landing. You were alive during the Vietnam War. You remember 9/11, the Great Recession, and the spread of Facebook. You were alive when America elected its first Black president. You witnessed the explosion of technology, namely, smart phones. You’ve driven on roads alongside self-driving electric vehicles. You survived an international pandemic. You have access to the largest library of human knowledge to ever exist. If you’d like to, you can have a decent conversation with something pretending to be human.
I’d say you’ve lived through a decent chunk of history as well.
No, don’t you understand? It is not for image editing
So fat shaming came over from reddit along with awful jpeg memes?
Lots of doomer posts lately
I’d eat my finger if I thought it was a pickle too