Or its tracing the money and influence of different lobbies in America. Just look at the original gerrymandered food pyramid made to accommodate the dairy industry. Or lawsuits against plant based alternatives.
Or its tracing the money and influence of different lobbies in America. Just look at the original gerrymandered food pyramid made to accommodate the dairy industry. Or lawsuits against plant based alternatives.
No one hates vegans, but everyone loves to post vegan hate or idiotic “bacon” posts.
What if we raise them in a factory farm and eat them instead? Don’t worry though. We will force feed them a carnivore diet in their tiny cages
Circle jerking against vegans is a pasttime of the Internet denizens
Or has just been the target of an endless smear campaign than every edgy person loves to buy into and regurgitate
Kind of like it’s been endlessly targeted in a smear campaign
A lot of smaller places only have like two options for going out to eat and one is a subway attached to a gas station
Murphy’s law is about bad things occurring. A cat gin a box of a good thing. Murphy’s Cat should really be about there not being a cat in the box.