The problem is that businesses see it as a way to drive customers into their stores where they can then demand they either buy something or leave. This is end stage capitalism bullshit where they’re trying to wring blood from a stone.
The problem is that businesses see it as a way to drive customers into their stores where they can then demand they either buy something or leave. This is end stage capitalism bullshit where they’re trying to wring blood from a stone.
Then there’s the whole corporate aspect. How can you expect corporate businesses to drive people to be in their stores if you let them loiter around outside on government provided benches? If the only place to sit is in a Starbucks and they require you to buy something to stay in the store, well…
I make my livin’ off the evenin’ news Just give me somethin’, somethin’ I can use
Weekly. They’re going to start pulling out all the stops to suppress votes, you need to catch it as early as possible if they cut you from the rolls.
Ouch. Close to home.
I found out my maternal grandmother once, to punish her youngest son, did exactly this. I don’t remember what it was he did as it has been decades since I heard the story, but she packed her bags and walked to the bus station in town. The whole time my uncle was following her, wailing and crying for her not to go.
My grandma was a real piece of work and the day I heard that story it clicked why my mom is so fucked up.
Breads and circuses. Breads and circuses…
Still probably more than he’s ever lifted.
What people don’t get is that it is just using your body’s naturally produced feel good chemicals - endorphins - to make you feel better. It is no different than relying on alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal, to treat your symptoms. You still have to do the hard work to try to cure or lessen your mental illness.
You think she’s ethical, innocent, or good? Yikes. She works hard to present a non-offensive to either side persona, that doesn’t make her ethical, innocent, or good.
Trump has a position for him alright. He needs someone to change his diapers and clean his ass.
Saw an article recently, can’t remember where, that basically said that the sole reason fast food was doing so poorly was pricing. That McDonald’s was charging Texas Roadhouse prices, so people were choosing to skip McDonald’s and go to Texas Roadhouse.
My experience has been that most of that is either the lights just being left on or cleaning crews. Oh, or coworkers hooking up.
She’s a billionaire, the reason she isn’t endorsing anyone is because she knows damn she’ll be called out for who she’d endorse and lose her fan base. Her public image is just that, an image. I have no doubt she votes R down the ticket.
For those too young or have forgetten, this is updated version. The original lacked all the racist tagging on the car and windows. In the original he was just randomly destroying stuff.
Not just using their own tactics, but using them better. It’s been so great watching the trolls flail around trying to find something to counter it and coming up with some of the lamest shit.
Best retort, “Then why is America pushing to reinstate child labor?”