Logically, we now have to add the Wikipedia Omniroll to the list, which will make preparing one very complicated.
Logically, we now have to add the Wikipedia Omniroll to the list, which will make preparing one very complicated.
He had a boyfriend in Agatha All Along, and his actor is openly gay.
That’s Bon Jovi, not Kid Rock.
They’re just all related to Beedle.
My parents tried to teach me how to use a manual transmission, but I simply could not get the timing down no matter how much I practiced.
The old cars were also designed in such a way that you had to understand how the thing was constructed and functioned in order to make it work. Nowadays, I only barely understand how shifting gears works mechanically and drive an automatic. Modern cars do much of the work for you, much like modern computers.
Not an organic one. He has more human-like bodies available. He even dated Michiko Arasaka with one.
From the Joss Whedon show Angel, of all things - “If nothing that we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.”
That depends, is the stripper six feet with or without the heels?
My current distro also uses pipewire and I’ve had no issues. I haven’t even needed to configure anything. I originally went to Linux when my XP install died and I couldn’t afford a Win7 license. I was happy enough with Win10 to migrate to that when it came out, and now that Microsoft is forcing people onto Win11 I’m back to Linux as my primary. Pipewire and Proton really took Linux from ‘good enough’ to ‘actually quite nice’.
I have no idea why Pulse is so bad. During my last foray into Linux, I created a shortcut for killing and restarting Pulse and pinned it to the dock. I also replaced all my game shortcuts with scripts that reinitialized pulse, then ran the game, then reinitialized pulse again when the game was closed.
They’re pretty bitter when you’re young, but your taste buds usually become less sensitive to it as you age.
Out of morbid curiosity, what movie is it?
I love that they somehow couldn’t get a picture of someone holding the food, so they just shopped it three times.
Still perplexed Nintendo hasn’t released atomic purple joycons.
Well, it did take a while for Fashion-Lizard to stop being Fascism-Lizard.
Seriously, it’s just a fancy auto-complete. It knows nothing.
Probably. If I were Vance, whether the Never Trump thing was genuine or I was just a power hungry asshole, I’d be positioning myself to look like the sane one in the administration so that I could remove Trump via the 25th in 2027 and be hailed as the guy who saved America from him. I’d also be egging Trump and Musk on to be as terrible as possible as publicly as possible.
And if Zelda has taught me anything it’s that chickens are unstoppable killing machines.
Sometimes. He’s usually a teenager of vague age. I think TOTK is the oldest he’s ever been, and he’s somewhere in the 22-25 range.