I am happy that we are starting to see bionics used to help people and become more accessible. Limbs, eyes, all sorts. If we had someone like Bezos they could choose to invest in this technology, mass produce it and change the lives of millions.
I am happy that we are starting to see bionics used to help people and become more accessible. Limbs, eyes, all sorts. If we had someone like Bezos they could choose to invest in this technology, mass produce it and change the lives of millions.
‘You’ve just ‘papoy’d your last ‘papoy’, hombre’ cocks gun
This guy efficiently drug deals.
Bought it and kept it secret from his dad for two years to surprise him with it when it was brought back to life. Baller move right there, love it.
Wonder if they serve shots at that bar.
How did I not know that this cool and super cute animable existed.
Or Scots
Checkmate, teachers.
Will someone PLEASE think of the shareholders?!
That guy has seen some shit, I tell you hwat
I actually loved Carrey in those movies, his berserk energy was perfectly suited.
35 days hols per year, would be 27 or something but they give us the English bank holidays as part of our allocation (am Scottish but it’s UK company).
Usually I drop onto the carpet after opening Grindr
I lost you 2 months ago. We broke up. Are you mental? Get the net!
Depends on the chips/fries and what the sauce is. Sometimes I want just a wee bit to add a kick, other times I want to be face pounded by some cheesy garlic goodness
Guy didn’t even see it coming, he looks stoned