Got there via worm hole, not plot hole.
Got there via worm hole, not plot hole.
It is the right to bear arms not dog arms
"I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every 10 are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.” Not complicated, Roosevelt was an awful human.
Hey now there not all stars, exclamation, ok
I will finally get to snuggle with my girlfriend in Canada!
Art of the deal in its full glory
A sleep mask and noise cancelling headphones, works every time.
Another convert to the L Ron Hoover Church of Appliantology. Don’t plook too hard. The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
The joke is not just dumb, it is inaccurate, short range weather predictions are extremely accurate. The real issue is many people have no idea how to interpret them.
TIL about jiangshi. Thanks.
If based on per capita consumption, China has the most vampires.
Vampires domesticated garlic and started a rumor that it repelled vampires. Tricked humans into pre-seasoning the vampires food.
Sleeping for the brain, general body rejuvenation.
We already know sleep is important and lack of sleep causes or exacerbates multiple conditions. Will his next breakthrough be stay hydrated homie?
*Antioxidants the heart, there are many experiments going on. But health could be attributed to certain treatments. *
Again how? With multiple treatments at once, how do you attribute to a certain treatment and not another, or multiple?
Sometimes we don’t know the full extent of the affects of treatment over the whole body.
And the methodology being used will provide no helpful data to help gain that knowledge.
But key aspects can change with certain treatments.
Again how? With multiple treatments at once, how do you attribute to a certain treatment and not another, or multiple?
To see if there’s a net positive affect as well.
Yes, I understand, annual medical checkups including blood tests, ekg, eeg, etc. provide readings and measurement that measure an individuals general health. That was not the focus of the question.
The how I am asking is how measurements of his condition tell us which of the multiple concurrent changes he made are effective and which had no effect, or perhaps even a negative counter effect? How is this providing useful data?
Although saliva starts the digestion process, you have to swallow for it to finish.
Such applications already exist. iNaturalist also helps identify vertebrates and invertebrates.
"He shows what is beneficial, what’s increasing his longevity. " How?
How would we know his longevity has increased and not decreased? How would we know which of the myriad of variables, or which combination of variables, was responsible for the increase (or decrease)? Not following the scientific method, won’t produce useful data. As someone said, anecdotes.
Mainline, Scotland. What is Trainspotting? I’ll take plot-lines in two words for $500 Alex.