Edit: thank you for real responses, got so used to be people getting pissed for no reason on social media that I was genuinely surprised to check Lemmy and see a bunch of genuine answers with no butthurt to be seen
Violating the integrity of the vote is never a valid strategy. Your personal views are not a good enough reason to take away the votes of others. You are one person, there are over 300 million people in a America. The views of one person do not invalidate the views of 300 million, and the same remains true even if a lot of people agree with that one person. Nobody is important enough for their views to be more important than a fair vote, especially not someone who thinks that they are.
Debian is that one guy on a construction site who, despite doing as little as possible each day, somehow is the only thing keeping the company functional.
Will y’all please chill with the political stuff on communities that are not politics-focused? I’m sure there is a political memes community you could use so the rest of us have the option of seeing other stuff.
Yeah I meant like they’re not gonna fly long distances
They can fly, but more so to get up in a tree than to go somewhere. Source is that I used to have turkeys until some stray dogs killed them all.
Fall is the best, summer is my favorite. No further questions, please.
How could you even post this you sick fuck
Ik this is a joke but if anyone is wondering it’s because units of linear motion (km/h, mph, etc.) do not accurately describe rotation. Rotational units like rpm are much better as linear units give a misleadingly large (though technically correct) number.
Anti-human propaganda
Don’t worry Mark’s chill you can trust him
Just give the kids apple juice instead of wine and then they can play too
Yeah, would love to see him, Eric Weinstein, Terrence Howard, Eric dubay, James tour, and Billy Carlson stuck in a room that they can’t leave until they can prove one of their worldviews to be plausible. Would be the most entertaining thing ever watching them argue while pretending they agree with each other bc they have to pretend they are all thinking the same thing or their whole “mainstream academia” thing falls apart.
World’s most clueless man
THIS is what the liberal media wants for america