Lemmy.MarxismLenninismMyLandisMyLand >:^[
Lemmy.MarxismLenninismMyLandisMyLand >:^[
I like how Americans think that humans don’t have kings anymore. Kings? Nah those are just for disney cartoons, like talking animals or China
My dad regularly relates almost any political issue back to the most recent trump goof.
we’re fucking british
“Hey, this turtle looks kinda like it’s got a snake for a neck, what should we call it”
Often, however:
it’s that zelensky is being posed in the meme as the main obstacle to peace, rather than the invading russian army.
because putins precondition for peacetalks is ukranian withdrawal from the donbass, which translates to any progress made by the ukranians since 2022.
They hate us cuz they ain’t us
Would there still be oil under russian soil after nuclear war?
tritium is probably slightly harder to sell to cousin yuri than motor oil
why are you defining imperialism as the export of capital and not, idk, the use of force against other nations?
aren’t marxist-leninists supposed to be against all empire?
Under the asumption I am most people, can you give me the definition of socialism you prefer?
and are the enlightened centrists in the room with us now?
Would you like to place bets on the chance of there being a 2028 election? I won’t even ask for 1:100000 odds, I’ll happily accept 1:100
Except for the fact these are about as different as any two cruise missiles can be
I downvoted, not due to any disagreement towards the politics, but just because the memecraft on display here is abyssmal.
I guess US. More likely to get blown up, but at least the weather is nicer.