Having positive thoughts can lead to improved mood! Why don’t you try that?
“Epic Meal Time” was a mistake.
My main beef with Liefield is that his tryhard edgy “what if everyone grimacing with goofy guns and goofy knives” thing started to effectively dominate the comic book zeitgeist for years. Was exhausting.
One time on the old run of Beavis and Butt-Head, Beavis complained that diarrhea medicine didn’t work. He took a whole bottle of it, he said, and then he complained that he never got diarrhea.
If looks could kill
Chalemagne didn’t spill the blood of all those Saxons for that insult.
Power metal keeps winning.
THE Museum of Neoliberalism in London is closing its doors for good this evening, before developers demolish and turn the site into luxury flats.
Founded by artists Darren Cullen and Gavin Grindon, the museum has been based in Leegate shopping centre in Lewisham since 2019.
The exhibition featured a timeline on the history of neoliberalism, and displayed artefacts including real-life anti-union posters, corporate-sponsored scout badges and an authentic bottle of urine from an Amazon employee.
Developer Galliard Homes plans to demolish the shopping centre where the museum stands, and build towers up to 15 storeys high accommodating 562 residential flats.
The exhibition featured a timeline on the history of neoliberalism, and displayed artefacts including real-life anti-union posters, corporate-sponsored scout badges and an authentic bottle of urine from an Amazon employee.
Apparently that article was “just satire bro don’t take it seriously bro” failed satire.
It’s all Steiner’s and Fegelein’s faults!
“Communism doesn’t work,” says the enlightened centrists that conjure up an ephemeral version of capitalism that, like some exotic atom far down on the periodic table of elements, becomes “cronyism” almost instantly after it begins to exist.
Lothrop Stoddard
Ok i get that name generators are popular but at least get a good one.
Hey, hey. Every master of the Force needs a foil to maintain the balance.
“Isn’t it quirky and neat that acres of forest and lakes of freshwater are destroyed so techbros can play Mirror Mirror on the Wall? If you don’t like that, you’re an emotional Luddite.”
But who will innovate fantastical escape plans to already-dead planets if there were no more billionaires?
Decades worth of Thanksgiving dinner conversations, summarized.
Worm regards.